The springboard for collaborative innovation to access out-of-reach markets


An association by the SME for the SME

GIE ALBATROS* is an economic interest group of industrial companies based in France. It gathers SME and mid-caps round collaborative innovation on process and materials. The GIE ALBATROS targets primarily 4 industries (aerospace, energy, maritime, ground transportation) through collaborative projects of research and development (R&D).

The GIE ALBATROS scouts, emerge and builds collaborative projects for its members and then does the monitoring. The keyword to describe the GIE ALBATROS is “excellence” as 100% of the written projects submitted were funded.

*A GIE is an Economic Interest Group. ALBATROS, in addition to be the name of the large gull-like sea bird, is an acronym in french language that stands for “Association of companies to benefit thematic actions of scientific research”




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