Project IDEALIST Aims to Strengthen the resilience of European SME

14 partners have come together to launch the IDEALIST project led by Pôle CIMES, under the auspices of Horizon Europe, the EU's key funding programme for research and innovation.  




This Coordination & Support Action project seeks to address the urgent challenges faced by SMEs in the Energy-Intensive Industries, Aerospace and Defence, and Mobility & Ground Transportation sectors. The project aims at promoting resilience, sustainable practices, and advanced technological adoption in the face of global disruptions such as the COVID-19 pandemic and geopolitical conflicts. IDEALIST budget is around 2.3M€ and duration is about 36 month thus ending in November 2026.

Objective and Vision

The main objective is to empower SMEs within these crucial industrial ecosystems to not only anticipate and withstand unexpected global challenges but to emerge stronger and more competitive. The project focuses on three pivotal areas:

• Strategic Foresight: Developing tools and methodologies for SMEs to better predict and prepare for future challenges, transforming uncertainty into a strategic advantage.

• Technology Uptake: Facilitating the integration of advanced technologies within traditional SMEs, fostering partnerships that bridge the gap between innovation leaders and broader industry sectors.

• Supply Chain Resilience: Identifying and mitigating vulnerabilities in supply chains to reduce the impact of external shocks, ensuring a more stable and robust industrial base.

A Collaborative Approach to Innovation At the heart of IDEALIST lies the commitment to collaboration and community building. Through pilot projects and the innovative Hack&Match method, the project will encourage cross-sectoral partnerships, leveraging the AGORA platform to support matchmaking and network strengthening among Europe's manufacturing companies.

A Call to Action IDEALIST represents a unique opportunity for SMEs across Europe to join forces in addressing common challenges and seizing new opportunities for growth and innovation. The project invites stakeholders from all participating sectors to engage with its activities, contribute to its objectives, and benefit from its outcomes.

About the Consortium The IDEALIST consortium comprises organisations from 6 European countries and Ukraine, representing thousands of SMEs across the targeted sectors.  An added value to the consortium, the presence of EIT Manufacturing providing the networking platform AGORA.

The GIE Albatros is involved in several IDEALIST activities such as : 

• Holding strategic foresight workshops for members of the GIE
• Organization of Learning Expeditions (factory visits)
• Technical watch on rare materials and critical components for the aeronautics & space and ground transportation sectors
• Participation in online events on the AGORA platform (technical monitoring webinars, Hack&Match, networking)
• Writing an innovation handbook for industrial SMEs about the emerging advanced manufacturing technologies
• Disseminating zero-defect and zero-waste manufacturing applied to composite materials by managing a stand at JEC WORLD PARIS 2025 showcasing start-ups and tech-savvy SME.

For more details about the IDEALIST project (Horizon Europe G.A. no. 101138366), its objectives, and how to get involved :

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